It’s been a while since my last update. Since then Xenia has had a couple of bouts of illness, which included 39.9 degree temps. I know all kids go through a number of illnesses every year, but, I’ve dealt with some scary situations (seriously) and nothing can prepare you for the fear that your kid may stop breathing. She’s nearly back to 100%, and of course now, it’s my turn to keel over now.
The months through winter in Melbourne were seriously dreary.
More news,.. Xenia got ‘tooth’ a month or so ago, now we have 1.5 tooths…it was a precious moment. Even more exciting was when our beautiful girl floored us recently when she communicated too us in sign language. You see, my folks look after her weekly and Dad has been teaching her ‘thankyou’ in Greek and pressing his hand to his heart. Well you guessed it… the little monkey, now, on cue (90% of the time, if there isn’t another distraction) responds to the word ‘efharisto’ by tapping her little chest where her (and mine) heart is… its amazing to watch.
Our little 8 month old dribbler!!
Out side, while Mummy & Dad are doing the gardenning.
Entranced with the DVD Boohbah!!!