Thursday, January 27, 2011

Its been a while since I posted here, but i had to share.  Xenia is about to turn 7, it was like yesterday i started writing about being her dad.  I am still in love with her as I am with my beautiful boy Vance.  When Xeni was about 2.5 she asked me what her 'working' was, after all I did 'working'.  I told her she had a great job, her job as to do two things, 1. have fun, and 2. ask questions.  That's what kids do, so they understand how things work so that they can have more fun.

Its been a precession of questions ever since that day and I have had a full time job just responding.  A few nights ago, while I was reading in the lounge, and after she had gone to bed, little miss got up and tramped down the hall, exclaiming she had a new question!  "ok, shoot I say"...  "she smiles,.. "ok,...  I have been wondering,.. how come....umm.. we only get one life?"  well bugger me... what a beauty.  I was quite chuffed.  I fumbled through an answer, talked about reincarnation, others belief systems, and the fact that we would value life less if we had 20 of them etc... she was happy with all that, but not 100%.
Three days passed, and she exclaims that she had "learned something in her brain, and that she had figured out the answer to her own question" ,...  "Wow" I say, "ok, tell me". " well, I figured out that we have a new life every day, so we get plenty of lives! That's it!"

How bloody awesome is that?  My beautiful Girl!  I was driving at the time, and she keeps mentioning that I was so happy with that answer that I let go of the steering wheel!!



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